
  • Tips For Buying A Quality Used Engine For Your Car

    One of the most expensive parts of your vehicle is your engine. Considering its central role to everything your car does, it's no surprise the engine is one of the longest lasting parts and most expensive. If your engine has gone out and you are unable to buy a new engine or a different car, then you may want to buy a used engine. Here are some tips to finding and buying a quality used engine:
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  • 5 Home Heating Oil Nightmares - Why Is My Bill So High?

    First-time homeowners and others relatively inexperienced with home heating systems often find themselves scrambling to keep the tank full throughout winter season. It just seems like the fuel oil keeps getting sucked out of the system so much quicker than it should -- what's going on? Here are five contributing factors that can make fuel oil a big expense for households and push heating costs a lot higher. Inefficient Systems
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  • Two Tips To Help You Get Discounted Engine Parts

    If one or more of the parts of your engine begins to malfunction, you may be unpleasantly surprised at the sticker shock that you experience once you are told just how much money it's going to cost you to buy new parts.  However, there are a number of viable options available that can help you get the parts that you need without breaking the bank (such as from Dean's Auto Repair Inc).
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  • How Driving School Benefits Teen Drivers

    The majority of teens learning to drive today enroll in the driver's education course offered at their local high school.  While this course is instructive and provides all the legal requirements for teens to get their license, it may not provide enough individual attention to give the average new teen driver the confidence and experience needed for today's difficult driving conditions.  Why Driving School for Teens?  Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death among teens in the United States.
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  • How To Protect Your Car From Rust

    Rust represents a serious threat to the structural integrity and the aesthetic appeal of your vehicle, and if allowed to develop, can eat away at your bodywork. While rust will develop naturally over time due to wear and tear and weather exposure, there are a number of things that you can do to mitigate its spread and help identify and treat the problem before it becomes serious. These four preventative measures should be more than enough to prevent rust from damaging your car.
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  • Should I Buy The Rental Insurance?

    When you rent a car, the car rental company will often ask you if you need car rental insurance. This will protect you in the event that your car rental is damaged, lost or stolen. By paying an extra fee on top of your rental fee, you will not be responsible for paying for the rental company's losses: Verify That Your Insurance Company Will Cover You If you have car insurance, you will likely be covered for any loss that your car insurance company experiences.
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  • Windshield Wiper Woes

    It always seems to happen at the most inopportune moment: your windshield is covered with icy sludge from the roadway and your wipers fail. Or you turn on your wipers first thing in the car to clean off the morning dew, and nothing happens. Here are a few reasons why your wipers could be malfunctioning and what you need to do about it. Regular Maintenance Sometimes a wiper failure is due to poor maintenance on your part.
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  • Tips To Keeping Your Car Clean In Winter

    Your car can get pretty grimy in the winter. With snow, salt and roadway debris, your car can become a dirty mess, inside and out. There are things you can do to help keep from looking like you just drove through the frozen tundra. See below for some helpful tips to keeping your car looking great all winter long. Preventative Maintenance The inside of your car can get a little rough in the winter.
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  • 3 Things Parents Can Do To Keep The Rental Car Clean While On Vacation

    If you're taking the family on a vacation, you'll probably rent a car to get you around. Parents are often surprised at how expensive it can be to rent a car. In fact, sometimes the rental car costs more than lodging or airfare. It's very important that you keep the rental car clean so you can keep the costs down. As a parent of young children, you know that it can be very hard to keep the inside of a vehicle clean, especially when on vacation.
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  • More Than Meets The Eye: What It Takes To Convert A Semi Truck Into A Transforming Robot

    Semi trucks are often featured in monster truck shows and rallies because they can take a beating and keep on crashing through other vehicles. The headliner, or star, of these shows is often a large truck that annihilates the other vehicles in the ring. If you have ever been to a monster truck rally that features a transforming semi-into-a-robot, you may have wondered how someone was able to turn the popular 80's toy into the real thing.
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