Tips For Buying A Quality Used Engine For Your Car

Posted on: 30 June 2015

One of the most expensive parts of your vehicle is your engine. Considering its central role to everything your car does, it's no surprise the engine is one of the longest lasting parts and most expensive. If your engine has gone out and you are unable to buy a new engine or a different car, then you may want to buy a used engine. Here are some tips to finding and buying a quality used engine:

Start By Visiting Local Mechanic Shops and Salvage Yards

If you have an older model vehicle, the chances are you'll have a harder time finding the engine you need. Mechanic shops often remove and store reusable car parts, particularly engines that can be fixed or rebuilt. If a local mechanic has the engine you need, he or she will likely sell it to you and help you install it. Salvage yards can also be a gold mine for locating the right engine for an older car. They often remove working parts from vehicles before destroying them for scrap metal, and they will negotiate a price with you on any part you want.

Look at Online Used Parts Stores and Classifieds

There are parts stores, like Apartsmart, that advertise used parts for sale. If you can't find the engine you need locally, checking out online stores or classifieds might be a good option. You may even find refurbished or rebuilt engines for your specific model car; however, you will want to be careful of purchasing parts before looking at them first. Some parts stores will offer a limited warranty or offer a refund if parts don't work, and it's best to only buy used parts with this option. For classified ads, you'll probably only want to buy from people who live within a distance that you can drive to easily and look at the engine.

Buy a Part that is Clean and Corrosion Free

Although a used engine may work, if it has a lot of rust or oil buildup, it may not last very long. If you are purchasing an engine that hasn't been cleaned, it's best to request that it is cleaned so you can clearly see what condition the metal parts are in. You'll also be better able to see if any buildup of engine fluids is severe enough that the engine won't be able to be able to last very long without being rebuilt.

Although the options for finding the right used engine for your vehicle might be limited, you can usually find what you are looking for with a little patience. It also helps if you try all of the tips above for locating an engine, but always look at a part in person or have a guarantee of some sort before purchasing.
